Schwabe Group matches donations - €110,658 for the School In Africa program!
An impressive €60,568 came together as the total amount which Africa Runners raised for the St. Steven’s Secondary School in Malawi in 2023. And since the Schwabe Group matches donations up to a maximum of €50,000, the Africa Runners were proudly able to contribute €110,568. This fantastic record means that for the first time, several children in the Kashanti region of Malawi will be able to continue their schooling beyond elementary school, and this will greatly enhance their educational prospects.
Among the total 405 Africa Runners from 12 countries were multiple colleagues from our affiliated companies in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany India, Italy, Mexico and Spain. They either ran on their own or as part of a team to raise funds for children in Africa, and each of them made a major contribution to the overall total. So thank you all so much for your commitment!
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Olaf Schwabe, CEO of the Schwabe Group, presents Mwawi Shaba, the project manager for the St. Steven's School in Malawi, the donation from the Africa Runners.