Das Team der CSR-Delegierten der Schwabe-Gruppe trifft sich in der Terra Medica

Social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is part of the Schwabe Group’s sustainability strategy. The Group’s CSR work rests on several pillars and is brought to life through many different channels.

CSR at the Schwabe Group

Corporate social responsibility has always been an integral aspect of the Schwabe Group. For years now, our social responsibility has been gaining more and more ground, and not just in the financial sense. We have been able to facilitate additional education projects in Africa thanks to the significant investments made possible because of many large and small donations and the work of the Africa Runners.

But on top of growing financial support, we have also been receiving moral support and are pleased to see more and more involvement from people inside and outside of the Schwabe Group. Furthermore, the network of sustainability delegates will promote the topic of sustainability on a global level throughout all of the companies of the Schwabe Group.

Strong social commitment

In the context of our corporate social responsibility efforts, we have already spent several years promoting regional social endeavors at our sites around the world, and we finance extensive educational projects for children and young people in southern Africa via the Umckaloabo Foundation. Our good standing in the field of social commitment is a strong point of departure for us to pursue ambitious goals.

With the Umckaloabo Foundation, we have also created a platform where we can streamline all of our CSR activities, whether it be volunteer work our employees do, CSR initiatives with our business partners, or investments that the Schwabe Group makes in educational projects. We want to anchor the issue of CSR more prominently at our global Schwabe Group sites in the future.

Good schooling creates perspectives for the future -

like here at St. Francis and Clare Secondary School in Zambia.

St. Francis and Clare-Sekundarschule in Sambia

The Umckaloabo Foundation promotes early childhood development centers in Eastern Cape, South Africa

Kinder in einer Kita, die die Umckaloabo-Stiftung fördert,  im Eastern Cape in Südafrika

The class of 2021 at St. Ignatius Secondary School.

Abschlussklasse 2021 St. Ignatius-Sekundarschule Malawi

The Umckaloabo Foundation also supports informal education:

the Scout Center in Mpumalanga, South Africa.

Scout Center in Nelspruit, Südafrika

The Umckaloabo Foundation creates opportunities in contemporary job fields.

Auszubildende montieren ein Solardach in Sambia

The Umckaloabo Foundation

Since it was first established over a decade ago, the Umckaloabo Foundation has supported educational projects for children and young people in southern Africa. Hand in hand with the charitable organization Nangu Thina, we have successfully completed several successful projects such as establishing schools and nursery schools.

All in all we have committed nearly seven million euros to this work. We want to increase the amount by a half million a year with the objective of supporting educational initiatives in southern Africa with a total of ten million euros by 2030.

Several colleagues in Karlsruhe have also become active volunteers on behalf of the Umckaloabo Foundation. We streamline and coordinate this support in a workgroup so we can inspire more of our colleagues to get involved and to anchor our sense of social responsibility more solidly within our company.

The Africa Runners collect donations every year for the Umckaloabo Foundation's “A school in Africa” project. The Schwabe Group doubles the donations raised up to a maximum of 75,000 euros. 

The Schwabe Community Grant 

promotes volunteering work in sports...

Kinder starten ein Rugby-Match

initiatives for children and culture...

Jugend-Theatergruppe am Sandkorntheater


... volunteers in inclusive projects.

Para-Gruppe für Ruderer mit Behinderung

work in animal protection...

Freiwillige bauen eine Voliere für verletzte Vögel

... and Schwabe employees in environmental protection and nature conservancy.

Tram in Karlsruhe bewirbt den Wattbewerb

Schwabe Community Grant - working together for our region

Furthermore, as one of the largest employers in Karlsruhe, we want to help make this part of the world a place with a high quality of life — in no small part because the our company headquarters is located in the same city that many of our employees call home. This is how we become involved as good corporate citizens in our region.

We particularly want to encourage the ideas and the sense of commitment that is present in the Schwabe Group and which manifests in a wide range of volunteer activities. This is why the Schwabe Group awards the Schwabe Community Grant twice a year in which it gives €1000 each to five different projects. In doing so, we support social, environmental and cultural work where Schwabianers are active. Together we can achieve more while also honoring the dedication of our employees.

Not all Schwabe employees call the Karlsruhe region their home, which is why we also support initiatives for employees who live in other parts of the world.

“SCHWABIANERS” AT WORK - at a theater project (UK) ...

Kindertheatergruppe des Theatre Shed führen ein Stück auf

a global river cleanup ...

Teilnehmer des River Cleanup in Kamerun zeigen das Ergebnis der Müllsammelaktion

in an integrative capoeira group (Germany) ...

 A kids' capoeira group in a training session.

as neighbors helping neighbors (USA) ...

LKW der Nachbarschaftshilfe Paul's Pantry in den USA

or the employee vegetable garden in Mexico.

Mitarbeitende von Schwabe Mexico arbeiten im Tekiotl-Garten

The Schwabe Corporate Grant for Schwabe employees around the world

The Schwabe Group encourages the charitable work of its employees around the world, and as a result it initiated the Schwabe Corporate Grant. The Grant awards up to €3,000 to a maximum of five groups in which Schwabe employees are actively involved. Everyone in the Group is welcome to apply, regardless of whether they work at an international site or in Germany.

Employees who actively contribute their time to a social, cultural or environmental initiative are invited to submit their application in the spring. Our employees’ volunteer work has many faces: for example, employees are active in inclusive theater groups or sports clubs, local or global environmental initiatives, educational projects for children or social endeavors such as a neighborhood assistance program or hospice services.

Explore Schwabe

Schwabe Tree

A global player with over 150 years of tradition and expertise in herbal medicines and health products.

Willmar Schwabe

Working for your health and modern herbal medicine since 1866 – and that’s how it will stay.

Family at the sea

We create natural health solutions for today’s consumers with our pharmaceutical expertise.