Eine Frau und ein Mann klatschen auf dem Gipfel eines Berges in die Hände.

Compliance reporting system - our anonymous platform for whistleblowing

All Schwabe Group employees around the world have the means of reporting incidents anonymously or under their name so they can report a violation of the Schwabe Group’s Code of Conduct or local laws; they can also seek advice about potential violations. This is possible in multiple languages, at any time around the clock and regardless of where the whistleblower is.


To ensure that your report cannot be traced back to you, this link cannot be opened by clicking on it. You can find the whistleblower platform by copying the address into the URL line of your browser.

The Schwabe Group uses a secure external reporting system operated by the company Business Keeper. The top priority of this certified system is to protect a whistleblower.

You can notify us about what you have observed without registering and while remaining entirely anonymous. Because we have created an anonymous mailbox, you even have the option of engaging in dialog with your compliance officer without revealing your identity, and together you can process the information you have provided.

You talk. We act.

We will respond to every incoming report, no matter whether you gave your name or if it is anonymous. We are committed to compliance, and it is in the spirit of this commitment that we do not tolerate any violation of the law, Schwabe corporate policy or the Code of Conduct. Let us take on this task together.

Information from you will help us learn about any violations of policy or the law, and this will protect the company from damage. In other words, if you learn about something that’s not right, be brave and come forward!

Besides our internal reporting channel, you may choose to use one of the external reporting channels of the responsible German our European authorities instead: